
Anahata Heart Chakra


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Anahata is the fourth chakra. Now we are over and above our ‘animal’ nature. I do not mean any insult to the lower chakras by calling them animal. I accept the fact that the inside humans there is an animal. With all its unpredictability as well as innocence.

Heart chakra lies in the middle of the seven chakras and its color is green. Green also lies in the middle of the seven colors vibGyor.

Heart chakra is the second level of chakra which deals with our relation with other beings. While svdhisthan ma get involved in trivial interactions and plays, heart chakra usually is muc more choosey. The phrase ‘heart to heart’ connection is real if you want to believe it. For professional ‘players’ it is a hazard as well. If one goes out and makes these heart to heart connections often and with many, it is highly likely that they neglect some of them. Even more dangerous than the karma one accumulates breaking hearts, is the risk that you are still connected to someone’s heart and you are not even aware. This string may start thick from the others heart but since you give it nothing, it withers into the thinnest nano connection which you may not even be aware off. On the path of spirituality even if you rub off everything on your slate, you may have to take a rebirth just to deal with this thin string of a relation.

While svadishthan is the chakra which lets us know whether someone is fun to be around. It is the heart chakra which shows our trustworthiness/purity. Language is sometimes key to profound truths. “Clean heart”, “pure heart”, “black heart”, “stone heart” or some variation are hence seen in different languages.

The name Anahata means ‘unstruck’. How does a clap sound when the two palms do not touch? Chakras are the junctions where the Ida, Pingala and the Sushumna meet. So does the two kinds of prana flowing in Ida and Pingala dance at anahata without contact? What else could Anahata signify? I have kept the two triangles without contact, keeping this in mind.
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