Critique of the Critics

Yesterday I, Mayank, Golak and Smriti went for the 6;30 show at siri fort. The movie was “Hia W’Houa” (She and He). And the director was Elyes Baccar, who was there to answer questions. I won’t say much about the movie, apart from the facts that there was just one set, an apartment of two rooms; two main characters; and it was pretty experimental.

What was most interesting was the question answer session.

Anchor: We have the director Mr. Baccar here. If you have any questions ….

Critic 1:mmmbbbl mmmmbbbbll mmmbblll

audience (chorus):plz speak in the mike.

Critic 1:I was saying that your film was remarkable, economy of sets, characters, and it was almost like a play. At least I concieve it as such. Where you influenced by the ‘The theatre of the absurd’, say Beckett.

Director:Yeah, I like Becketh, as he zays a lot without zaying anyzing. Just by actions. etc..etc..

Critic 2:The last scene, I think it made the film fall into hyper-reality. Where we know that this cannot be real but still subconsciously think it is real. The pain, angst, his infertility (other words), which He must have felt definitely play a big part. The woman in his life about whom we don’t know a lot. The Un-knowledge we have of her makes her seem unreal.

Critic3:Did you intend it to be sadomaschist, or sadist. As in when the girl seems to torture him. What did you intend to achieve?

Director: I wrote the film keeping logic aside. The most difficult thing for me was to keep that feeling, which came to me when I wrote the first line, throughout the script. I mean to keep that feeling throughout making the film. There is no logic to it. I wrote it, something came out, the end result is this film. If I were to direct this film now, I might do it differently, change the camera angles, change in direction etc. So your question is a big questionmark for me.

Critic 2(to critic 3) :You mentioned about sadism and sadomasochism, but I completely disagree. I think there’s definitely a homage to Fellini’s ‘Leather .mmbbl mmmbl’, in this film. Also the way ….. … is ……… etc..etc..

In short I hate critics.

6 thoughts on “Critique of the Critics”

  1. hahaha
    haa yaar zabardasti arbit parameters apply karna chahte hai yeh log and unnecessary comparisons and labeling.

  2. vahi toh..:)..
    seedhi si baat hai…pehle cheez hoti hai fir log uska naam rakhte hain.. be it genres of movies or music… ab pehle toh kisi ne koi rock and roll song hi banaya hoga na.. uske baad logon ne bola isey rock and roll bulate hain..

  3. matlab bachha paida hone se pehli hi naam rakhna 😀
    sorry bad joke hehe
    u enjoy yaar. great to watch so many movies!

  4. :)) too much…. people read too much between the lines…. next time tell them to look between ur fingers ! 🙂

  5. Thats bad!
    Critics’ contribution to art does not manifest instantly. But they play important role in enrichment of the overall experience art plays in our life.
    I just read the power of music in your adam-and-eve blog.

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